Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) Contact RNIB and shop online for their clocks/watches, Braille equipment, kitchen gadgets, gardening tools, books and many more products. Find out about the latest campaigns. RNIB also provides advice on the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), and related issues.  You can also telephone their specialist helpline on 0303 123 9999.

  • Sensory Inclusion Service (SIS)

    Sensory Inclusion Service (SIS)  is a joint service covering Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council.  Information about Education Support Services for children and young people with sensory impairment, and their families and schools, can be obtained by telephoning 01952 385269.

  • Sensory Support Services

    Shropshire Council’s Sensory Support Services: Information about the services for sensory impairment can be obtained by telephoning 01743 250529 or e-mailing cs.sensoryimpairment@shropshire.gov.uk

  • Shropshire Disability Network

    Shropshire Disability Network was formed in May 2008 to provide a friendly and supportive network for people with disabilities, their families and carers throughout Shropshire (including Telford & Wrekin).

  • Sight Advice FAQ

    Sight Advice FAQ contains information useful to anyone affected by sight loss, including friends and families.  It has been put together by a number of organisations including RNIB, Guide Dogs and the Macular Society.  It covers a range of topics, such as:  various aspects of Coronavirus; information relevant to children, young people and families; benefits advice; employment and work; emotional support and counselling; eye health; independent living and registering your sight loss.

  • Talking Newspapers

    Local Talking Newspapers provide audio recordings of local news in a variety of formats.  There are local Talking Newspapers serving Shropshire, the Oswestry area, and Telford and Wrekin or you can contact the Talking News Federation.

  • Telford & Wrekin Council

    Telford & Wrekin Council.  Information about Sensory Impairment services within Telford & Wrekin Council can be obtained by telephoning My Choice on 01952 459252.  The Council’s Live Well website contains information on support services for visually impaired people and links to other agencies that provide support.

    The Rehabilitation Officer for Visual Impairment offers a drop-in telephone advice service.  You can speak to her by telephoning 07976 459252 between 10am and 2pm on a Wednesday.

Know a resource that could make a difference? Share it with us!

If you’ve found an organisation, service, or website especially helpful for navigating sight loss, we’d love to hear about it. Together, we can build a stronger community and provide even better support for everyone.