Embracing Independence Through Technology in this audio series
For many people living with sight loss, simple tasks like reading mail can be a challenge, often requiring assistance from a carer. However, digital technology is opening new doors to independence and privacy.
Tech Talk Series
In our Sight Loss Shropshire Tech Talk Series, Tech Coordinator Vicki explores how technology can transform daily life for visually impaired individuals. This engaging series provides practical advice and tools to enhance independence:
Episode 1: Recommended Phones – Discover the best devices tailored for accessibility.
Episode 2: Most Useful Apps – Explore apps that can simplify everyday tasks.
Episode 3: Using an Alexa Smart Speaker – Learn how smart speakers can become your personal assistant.
Episode 4: Staying Safe Online – Essential tips for navigating the digital world securely.
Episode 5: Preparing for Changes in Vision – Insights into adapting to changing visual needs.
In addition to the series, we offer free digital skills and accessibility training, empowering individuals to make the most of these tools.
To learn more or sign up, contact us at admin@sightlossshropshire.org.uk or call 07778 956096.
Take the first step toward independence today—technology is here to help!
Do you have a question?
Contact us calling 07778 956 096 or sending an email by clicking here.