Sight Loss Shropshire provides a range of services to improve the quality of life for visually impaired people of all ages who live in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. Our work includes the following:


A participant with her guide dog and tech trainer Vicki at the Lantern library in Harlescott.

Digital Skills & Accessibility Training

Shropshire Digital Skills Training for Visually Impaired People – free one-to-one training to improve IT skills and use of accessible technology, tailored to the individual’s needs;

Group gather at the table for In Touch Telford tech training
In Touch Telford Tech Training

Tech Training

In Touch Telford Tech Training for Visually Impaired People – free demos and training sessions on smartphones and tablets to assist with daily living tasks and support independence at the drop in sessions in Telford;

A face to face group sight loss training session in Shrewsbury

Living Well with Sight Loss Courses

In partnership with RNIB, delivering free, informal, community-based ‘Living with Sight Loss’ courses which help people to adjust to their sight condition, increase independence and boost confidence.

Leading the way: Participants practice guiding techniques during our Sight Loss Awareness Training

Sight Loss Awareness Training

This training helps organisations create inclusive environments for people with visual impairments through practical tools, effective communication techniques, and accessibility strategies, offered in person or online and tailored to your needs.

Tech Talk episode two playing on an iPad
Tech Talk episode two

Tech Talk Series

Tech Coordinator Vicki explores how technology can transform daily life for visually impaired individuals. 

Information and support

Person using computer with braille computer display

Financial Grants

Providing grants to help visually impaired people to acquire specialist aids and equipment to enable them to maintain and/or regain their independence;

Visually impaired person texting on their smartphone.

Information & Guidance

Providing information and signposting about support and services to visually impaired people; their families, carers and friends; and to professionals working with visually impaired people, such as Community Care Co-ordinators, Memory Services, residential & domiciliary care providers and Housing Associations;

A large group of people seated around tables and chatting at a Winters Day Out

Key Events

Organising and providing major social events for visually impaired people, such as Winter’s Day Out.

A group of people at a Living Well With Sight Loss course
Living Well With Sight Loss Telford Group

Support Groups

Supporting a network of peer support groups for visually impaired people, who meet in every part of our area, by promoting and publicising their activities; providing nominal funding towards core costs, such as room rentals, and activities; and by supporting group organisers through sharing of ideas, best practice and information;