New sight loss e-Learning launches in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin

Published On: Tuesday, January 2, 2024Categories: News, Training

Sight Loss Shropshire collaborates on new learning toolkit

A brand-new e-Learning resource for staff working in health and care services is being launched in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin to help improve the lives of people living with sight loss.

The ‘Understanding and Supporting People Living with Sight Loss e-Learning’ is a collaboration between people with lived experience, sight loss experts and professionals from across the county, including Sight Loss Shropshire.

The training is for people who interact with people living with sight loss in their day-to-day work and those who provide specific eye care related services.

There are two levels to the training. The first is for those needing a basic understanding of the different conditions, their impact on people’s lives and how we can make small changes to services, so they are more accessible. The second is more in depth and provides information about where people can be signposted for support as they try to navigate their sight loss journey.

The training is available on the local Learning Management System which is available to anyone working in health and care in the county at Shropshire Telford & Wrekin Learning Portal.

If you have any questions or issues accessing the training, please email