A group of people at a Living Well With Sight Loss course


16 Sep 2025


10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Living Well with Sight Loss – Market Drayton Face to Face Course

Key information

  • The Festival Drayton Centre, Vernon Suite, Frogmore Road, Market Drayton, TF9 3AX

  • 9 & 16 September 2025

  • 10am – 3pm

  • Sight Loss Shropshire – 07778 956096

These free, informal, community-based courses are designed by the RNIB and delivered by Sight Loss Shropshire and help people to adjust to their sight condition and boost confidence.

This face-to-face course at Festival Drayton Centre comprises two, one day sessions which are delivered a week apart, on 9 & 16 September 2025.

Living with Sight Loss courses are for anyone with sight loss and provide information, advice, support and practical solutions for people with sight loss and those close to them.

The courses offer an opportunity to share experiences with others in similar situations and find out about the services that are available.

Some feedback from some of our recent attendees:

“This course gives you so much confidence going forward. It really has made a difference. Thank you again for opening doors for me and giving me a huge lift, I am now following up quite a few things and do appreciate very much that there is a lot of help out there.”

“I’m new to sight loss. You’re all telling me things I didn’t have a clue about!”

“I’m at the start of my sight loss journey. It amazed me how positive the Living Well with Sight Loss courses are and the help that is available. I feel much more positive going forward now.”

“Last Saturday I went to the NEC [by train] for the first time. Following your advice I signed up on the Transreport app and the service was excellent! Fantastic – thank you!”

“I will go and join a choir again.”

Booking is essential. To book a place on the next Living Well with Sight Loss course, contact the Sight Loss Shropshire team on 07778 956096 or email admin@sightlossshropshire.org.uk.

These courses are arranged on demand so if you would like to attend a course, please get in touch with us to register your interest.

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