Annual Report

See our headline achievements and download the latest annual report

A group of people practising smartphone functions
Staff and volunteers assisting visually impaired people with smartphone functions at an In Touch Telford Group session

We don’t just say we want to support people living with sight loss across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin. We hold ourselves to account and our annual report details what we want to achieve, and how far we’ve come.

Our 2023/24 Annual Report Highlights

  • Sight Loss Shropshire directly supported 933 people, along with their families, friends and carers (excluding peer support group members)
  • Our Living Well with Sight Loss courses have expanded and are now delivered face-to-face across the county
  • We launched our new Digital Skills Training and Sight Loss Awareness Training services
  • We hosted two successful social events; Winter’s Day Out and Spring Day Out, as well as VisionZone 2023, an assistive tech open day in Shrewsbury
  • Our beneficiaries have become more diverse in age
  • The staff team has grown and we have gained 12 new dedicated volunteers
  • We have developed strategic partnerships and delivered through effective collaborations

You can download and read accessible copy here:

You can listen to an overview audio recording here:

Some course participant quotes:

“So much of what I’ve learned today is going to help me.” 

“I was downloading the sight loss apps as we spoke on the course.” 

“I don’t feel so isolated now, I feel part of something. I find it inspiring that a blind person can pick up boxing. Amazing!”